How to research a property’s history for free

Investigating the history of a property is something that can be done at home with the simple use of your computer or with the help of a real estate agency or making a trip to the county court to search the records. Property history can be a valuable tool when evaluating the purchase of a house. Details of the property history may include the names of the previous owners, the most recent sale price of the house, or a record of taxes not paid on the property.

Decide how you want to investigate the history of the specific property. The most common ways to investigate the history of a property are through the county website, go to the county court or get in touch with a real estate agency. All these methods are free. The easiest way to investigate the history of the property for free is to search the county website.

Access the website of the county in which the property is located. On the website you will have to find the real estate area. Research within the different departments listed on the website. Many counties have a link to a real estate advisory department.

Enter the information about the property in the property search system of the real estate website. You can search by plot number, if you know it, or simply by the address of the property. Once you have searched for the specific property, click on the link that will open with information on the specific property you are looking for. Some counties may have several streets with the same name and house number. Make sure you are facing the correct information by checking the zip code.

Look below the building information or the previous owners tab on the website. The information found under these tabs will give you a complete history of the house. The information will include the dates on which the property was sold, to whom it was sold and how much was paid for it. In addition, you can see information about the area in square meters of the property or tax situation.


Check with a local real estate agency if assistance with the property’s history is free. Go to the county court and investigate the history of the property for more specific details.


Unwanted results may occur if the information is entered incorrectly.