How to buy seized mobile homes

Buying a foreclosed mobile home can be cheaper than buying a new or traditional one. When you buy a foreclosure, it is important to consider where to place it. You can buy land or rent a space in a park for mobile homes. Other considerations include area permits and for the disposal of wastewater, the general condition of the house, repair costs, back taxes and the rental costs of the expired space for which you will be responsible.

Buy the land for the mobile home. Research local area regulations to determine the best area to buy land. Visit websites that discuss county planning, urban planning or real estate development for zone laws and regulations. If the mobile home is located in a park, you will have to pay space rent if you want to keep it there.

Obtain permits for wastewater disposal after purchasing the land. Contact your local health department to make an appointment about the land and soil inspection. Mark where you plan to locate the mobile home using four security flags.

Visit local auctions to find seized mobile homes. You can find auction lists in your local newspaper or online. Included in the Sales Notice will be the amount required for the deposit or the total cost requested at the time of purchase.

Inspect the mobile home before buying it. Hire an inspector for these types of homes or inspect it yourself. Many foreclosed homes are sold “as is”. When inspecting a mobile home, verify the following: drains, connections for gas, connections and electrical supply, sewerage, the integrity of the structure and the interior.

Ask about liens, late taxes, late rent of space and other payments that are associated with the mobile home. You will be responsible for paying these costs in advance.


Always inspect a seized mobile home before making the purchase since repairs can result in excessive expenses.


Contact utility companies before placing your mobile home on your land. In the United States, it is illegal to place a mobile home on underground service lines.