Administration – Definition, what it is and concept

Administration is the process that seeks through the planning, organization, execution and control of resources to give them a more efficient use to achieve the objectives of an institution

In fact, for the administration to achieve its objectives, it is necessary to make use of a coordinated form of the human, intellectual, material, technological and financial resources that are possessed within the group. The key person in the administration is the administrator.

In addition, the administration’s task involves achieving the objectives by working in subordination of someone else. So you need a hierarchy relationship where you work under another.

Likewise, the administration aims to obtain more efficient results especially in the management of the resources that are possessed, for that an effective management activity is needed that involves all the activities and the job collaborative of other people, because only in that way can the expected objectives be achieved.

In this sense, the administration can be applied in formal and informal institutions, the formal institutions are those that are governed by rules and laws that are written so that they can function as the case of a state or a company.

While informal institutions have rules, but they are not written as is the case of a family where the administration can also be applied, because they must also be administered resources to meet your goals.

Why is management important?

Of course, in general the administration is very important because it allows you to use techniques and tools that make the best use of resources. What allows both the stability, maintenance and growth of social groups or institutions.

The benefits most important that we can obtain with the use of the administration are the following:

1. Promotes human effort

In effect, this benefit implies that the administration allows all human tasks to be done effectively. That is, that a balance be maintained between effectiveness and efficiency

Above all, understanding how effective it is to be able to achieve
the proposed objectives and efficiency is to achieve the objectives
using the least amount of resources possible.

Of course, with the administration the work is done simpler; since, when certain methods, principles and procedures, the work is done quickly and

2. It allows to measure the performance of the institution

Apart from, the administration helps to have indicators of performance and allows quantitative measurement, which provides institutions a set of variables that are objective and measurable, that they become simple and reliable data that can be used to be able to monitor how the institution performs.

3. Generate important information and knowledge

Information and knowledge also originates relevant on the correct way to use the institution’s resources both human, intellectual, material, technological and financial, so that they are maximized.

Both the productivity as the efficiency of any group is related in a way
Direct with the application of good administration.

4. Reduce costs

Consequently, if resources are used efficiently and their use is maximized, costs They tend to decrease what favors the performance of the organization.

5. Allows sustainable growth

Then, the correct achievement of objectives and goals proposed by an institution, gives them the possibility to continue growing sustainably over time.

Administration Features

The most important characteristics of the administration are:

1. The Universality

For its part, universality is related to the fact that the administration can be used in any type of institution or social group. It can be a formal, informal, private, public institution among others. This, since everyone wants to achieve their goals using resources correctly.

2. It is Interdisciplinary

Since, the administration can relate to
any science that uses methods, principles and processes that make
Resources are used efficiently.

3. It is a means to achieve an end

Then, the administration is eminently practical, that means that it is an instrument that is used to achieve a specific purpose, that is to say each organization that the application seeks to achieve its own objectives.

4. Has Hierarchy

Therefore, there must be a hierarchical unit to work, because there must be a boss who is in charge and a chain of subordinates, to chain everyone’s efforts towards the achievement of the common goal.

5. Has a Temporary Unit

Since, this feature states that
stages of the administration process are not performed in isolation, but
They operate simultaneously because it is a dynamic process.

6. Its Application is Wide

So, the administration can operate at all levels of the organization, in which there is hierarchy that is why it is applied both by a housewife and the president of a company or even the president of a country.

7. Is Specific

We must consider that the administration is related and is helped by many others sciences and techniques, but it cannot be confused with other areas
Because it has a specific character.

8. It is flexible

It turns out that, its flexibility is based on the fact that it can be applied in any type of organization regardless of the field to which it is dedicated and adapt to its needs, so it cannot be rigid.

Finally, we can establish that the application of the administration is necessary for the operation of any social group or organization, from the simplest to the most complex. In this regard, it should be noted that it is more important in the performance of larger organizations.

The administration generates better human relationships within the group, in addition it favors the optimization in the use of the resources of the organization, so that ultimately generates greater well-being for all.