5 innovative strategies to improve internal communication in a company

A good internal communication is key for improve the working environment of a company. The employees that they feel heard and valued are more satisfied in their jobs. What greatly influences increased productivity. New technologies help us reach business objectives in the market, but they also serve us internally.

Many of the actions you take each day to encourage communication can be counterproductive. For example, Have you ever stopped to think if that meeting is necessary? We waste a lot of time with unproductive meetings that can be replaced by an email or a conversation with the person responsible for a certain task. With these strategies you will get better communication to have a united team able to collaborate effectively.

Create a corporate manual

When one arrives at a company, it is not always clear what to do or to whom to direct their doubts. A good welcome manual will give the keys to new employees to know how they should act in each case and some advice to integrate into the team.

Internal social networks

Did you know that you can create your own corporate social network? Facebook Workplace it allows you connect all the people in your organization and that they can communicate through Groups, chat and video calls. An internal company blog or group with comment features is a good way for managers to increase internal communication. In addition to improving communication, it will influence the branding of your company Employees will feel part of it and improve their perception.


This process allows you to use certain games to motivate employees With creative tools. Is about convert tedious or complicated tasks or information, in a playful element that allows them to acquire knowledge that would otherwise be much more boring.

Corporate news

You may already use tools from Digital marketing to promote your business, but do you know how to take advantage of it internally? The email marketing It can be a favourable point to improve communication with your employees. Create a corporate newsletter in which the news is collected of the company and all the news that may be of interest. You decide the tone and the message, it can be more corporate and formal or introduce informal elements and use it to congratulate the team on prominent dates, report events and parties of the company, etc.

5. Team Building activities

A team is not only done working, but there are also other tools for your employees connect and improve internal communication. Carry out group activities and dynamics to do team building In a different environment it will help them to collaborate, have fun and learn in a relaxed environment.

Within a company, communication and trust are fundamental. Your team must be clear that all row in the same direction to move forward in the achievement of objectives.

It is important that you have clear objectives that you want to achieve in the Internal Communication Plan, the time you need to do it, the steps you will take and, above all, that your expectations are realistic. Your team needs a good leader who is able to guide and develop the necessary functions so that the internal gear is effective. You may be clear about it but don’t know how to transmit it. Improving communication with your employees will help you grow professionally.

Make sure you create a pleasant work environment in which everyone feels valued and free to present their ideas. Listening to your team will strengthen relationships internally and make them get involved and improve their performance. It is also important that you keep up to date with what is happening in the company so they know that you trust them and don’t hide relevant information for the performance of your activity.