Types of high-risk investment funds

Investment funds based on stocks, bonds, or both, have a certain degree of risk, which means that you can lose your money in any fund depending on what is happening in the market and how the investment funds respond to such events Funds that have only shares are more risky than those that combine stocks … Read more

How do hedge funds work?

Hedge funds A hedge fund is a type of investment that does not have a fixed structure and makes investments by the method or strategy with which it can to achieve the best returns. Hedge funds are a high-risk investment due to its sophisticated and infrequent business practices. Hedge funds can invest in options or derivatives, resort … Read more

What are good high yield investments?

Historically, the stock market has been the best place for individual investors looking for high returns for their money. Possible high returns involve higher risks, and as a result, investing in stocks is not a guarantee of stable returns. However, investing in solid, well-managed companies with stable results can generate average returns close to 10% … Read more

Advantages and disadvantages of investing

Making an investment can be the key for a person or company to achieve a significant economic gain in a relatively short time. As in any activity, you must first weigh the advantages and disadvantages of investing money and analyze the market very well to make the best decision. Defining the advantages and disadvantages of … Read more

How to make money with smart investments

No matter how much or how little money you have to work, the sooner you start saving and investing, the richer you will be. The value of money is enormous and the value of the compound will allow your nest to grow over the years. Choosing your investments consistently and investing in them consistently is … Read more

Honest ways to double your capital

When you invest to be able to retire one day, send your children to college or even buy a dream home for a long time, it is important to ask some relevant questions, such as how long it will take you to double your investment and how long it will last until you can liquidate … Read more

Places to invest your money

The first time you start looking for investments, you often hear the phrase: “Make your money work for you.” This old financial saying refers to the fact that successful investments increase in value, earning a lot of money the way you earn a salary. There are many different types of investments, each of which is … Read more

How to convert pesos to dollars

We will try to elucidate how is the most practical way of how to convert pesos to dollars. Since several Latin American countries designate their currency in pesos. Four of these nations are Mexico, the Philippines, Chile and Colombia. The dollar, on the other hand, is the legal tender in Hong Kong, the United States, … Read more

How to count money

Money moves the social interactions of the modern world. With the invention of paper money, people are able to carry large amounts of cash to buy what they need. Carrying cash requires you to count before you spend it to make sure you are delivering the correct amount. It is important to be able to count money quickly … Read more

Guide to invest in Crowdlending

After the global financial crisis that erupted in 2008, the profitability of many financial assets has not stopped falling. In efforts to stimulate the economy, central banks have pushed interest rates to historic lows. Inevitably, this has greatly affected the profitability of many financial assets. In this sense, investing in crowdlending has become a great … Read more

How to weigh gold

If you want to weigh gold, it’s not as easy as it sounds. This is because gold in the form of coins, bars, or jewellery is almost never 100% pure. A piece of pure gold is soft and easily damaged, so it is combined with other metals to make it hard and durable. However, it … Read more

How to Melt Silver


Silver fusion. It is a natural process and once you get to know the fundamental principles of the melting points of metal. Commonly used by many jewelers due to its lower melting point, silver is a great place to start when learning to melt metal to make more complex jewelry designs, and graduate to more difficult welding techniques. The Art … Read more

How to calculate employee bonuses

When a person enters a job in a company or public body, it has the duty to the institution to perform the functions for which it is contracted, and the institution has the obligation to grant all the benefits inherent to the employee. Now, how to calculate the bonuses of employees, for this we must … Read more

Strategic investments – Definition, what it is and concept

Strategic Investments are those aligned with the strategy of the business. In this way, they seek to achieve medium and long-term objectives. In other words, strategic investments are of paramount importance to the company’s goals. Thus, the idea is to allow the firm to remain and consolidate in the market. It should be remembered that … Read more