How to cancel a payment order after it is issued

A money order is a type of check or money order written by a third company to a person or company for a certain amount of money. Sometimes, after purchase, you may have to cancel the payment order. Most companies that issue money orders allow you to cancel the transaction before it is charged. However, once the recipient of the money order receives the funds, it is not possible to cancel the money order.

Locate the receipt or carbon copy form you received when you purchased the money order. On this receipt, the payment order number is found.

Bring the receipt, the payment order number and an official photo ID to the place where you bought the payment order.

Tell the receptionist that you want to cancel the payment order. This will enter the payment order number on your computer and verify that the payment order has not been charged.

Complete the documentation that the employee gives you authorizing the cancellation of the payment order. Normally, this form asks for your name, identification number, address and the reason why you want to cancel the payment order.

Give the complete documentation to the receptionist who will process your cancellation request and cancel your pending payment order.


Not all companies that issue payment orders allow you to cancel the transaction.